As of
this posting, we currently have 318 residential listings in the Florence Oregon
real estate market with a median asking price of $199,000 and an average of 369
average DOM (days on market).
In the last 12 months we have sold 312
homes at a median sale price of $156,500 and 288 average CDOM (cumulative days on market).
I the last
6 months we have sold 143 (down form 171) homes at a median sale price of $160,000 and 285
average CDOM and 165 median CDOM
In the last 30 days we have sold 21 homes at a median sale price of $170,000 and 199 CDOM. A 30 day snapshot in small market is not a
reliable indicator of the future.
All in all, the
inventory has not changed much in the last 2 months. One year running average list prices are down $10,000. On the other hand, a six month running average of median sales price are up $5,000 while the number of sales is down.
Other parts of the State definitely are showing increased sales and prices. Florence normally lags behind other areas in Oregon by about a year. I still believe that
those that buy a home now will not regret it a few years from now. NOW is the
time to buy as the rainy season is still here and many sellers are tired of postponing their dreams.